The Daily Five Minute Hilchos Tefillah Class

The following shiurim by Rabbi Moshe Rosenstein were recorded live at the Chicago Community Kollel. They are part of an ongoing series of classes and symposia taking place at the Kollel, devoted to increasing awareness and devotion to our daily Tefillos. This project was begun to serve as a zechus for cholim in our city, as well as around the world, and for our brethren in Eretz Yisroel who live in increasingly difficult times.

Other shiurim - delivered by such noted speakers as Rav Moshe Tuvia Leiff and Rav Shmuel Dishon shlit"a - devoted to this topic, are available on tape from the Kollel. Please contact for ordering information.

The Five Minute Halcha Shiur is also available on audio cassette. Please contact for ordering information.

The Kollel would like to thank Dr. Gary Hoberman and Mr Boruch Weinberg for their assistance in making this content available online.

Any questions regarding the content of these shiurim can be sent to
The latest shiurim are available in both flash format and MP3. Please be aware that there may be some delay while the sound files load enough to start streaming.



How is the Sheim Hashem Pronounced?
Pesukei DiZimra #1
Pesukei DiZimra #2
Some powerful yet overlooked Tefillos
Bakashos #1
Bakashos #2
Mitzvah of Tefilla
Tachanun #1
Tachanun #2
Sitting in the Vicinity of Someone who is Davening #1
Sitting in the Vicinity of Someone who is Davening #2
Mitzvos Require Kavannah #1
Mitzvos Require Kavannah #1
Uva Litzion #1
Uva Litzion #2
Davening for Someone Else to do Teshuva
Birchos Hashachar
Kavannah during Brochos
Tefillah BiTzibur #1
Tefillah BiTzibur #2
Tefillah BiTzibur #
Tefillah BiTzibur #4
Tefillah BiTzibur #5
Tefillah Derech Tachanunim #1
Tefillah Derech Tachanunim #2
Tisha B'av
The Laws of Answering Amen #1 - Introduction
The Laws of Answering Amen #2
The Laws of Answering Amen #3
The Laws of Answering Amen #4
The Laws of Answering Amen #5
The Laws of Answering Amen #6
Shmoneh Esrei - Where should one's eyes be during Tefillah?
Shmoneh Esrei Interruptions during Tefillah #1
Shmoneh Esrei - Interruptions during Tefillah #2
Shmoneh Esrei - Interruptions during Tefillah #3
Shmoneh Esrei - Standing for Tefillah #
Shmoneh Esrei - Standing for Tefillah #2
Shmoneh Esrei - Makom Kavuah
Selichos for Elul and Aseres Yimei Teshuva #1
Selichos for Elul and Aseres Yimei Teshuva #
Asking for our own needs on Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur
Fasting on Rosh HaShana and Tekias Shofar
Erev Rosh Hashana - Last Minute Tips and Halachos
Vidui (Confession)
Kol Nidrei
Yom Kippur
The Shliach Tzibbur #1
The Shliach Tzibbur #2
The Laws of Krias Shma #1
The Laws of Krias Shma #2
The Laws of Krias Shma #3
The Laws of Krias Shma #4
The Saying of  Vayachulu  on Shabbos Night
Washing Hands Before Davening
Shmoneh Esrei - The First Three Brachos
The Prohibition to Daven When One Needs to Use the Facilities #1
The Prohibition to Daven When One Needs to Use the Facilities #2
Kedushah #1
Kedushah #2
Kedushah #3
Kedushah #4
Nusach HaTefillah #1
Nusach HaTefillah #2
Shmoneh Esrei - Pausing for Kaddish and Kedusha while davening
When Involved in a Mitzvah
Shabbos - Davening for personal needs
Proper Dress for Tefillah #1
Proper Dress for Tefillah #2
Walking in Front of Someone Who is Davening #1
Walking in Front of Someone Who is Davening #2
Walking in Front of Someone Who is Davening #3
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #1
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #2
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #3
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #4
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #5
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #6
The End of Shmoneh Esrei #7
Hallel #1
Hallel #2
Hallel #3
Asking Hashem for Miracles
Davening for Refuah #1
Davening for Refuah #2
Davening for Refuah #3
Davening for Refuah #4
Davening for Refuah #5
Tefillas Tashlumim #1
Tefillas Tashlumim #2
Tefillas Tashlumim #3
Why Tefillos are not Answered #1
Why Tefillos are not Answered #2
Why Tefillos are not Answered #3
Why Tefillos are not Answered #4
Why Tefillos are not Answered #5
Why Tefillos are not Answered #6
Davening for Refuah #6
Kavannah in Davening #1
Kavannah in Davening #2
Kavannah in Davening #3
Kavannah in Davening #4
Kavannah in Davening #5
Kavannah in Davening #6
Kavannah in Davening #7
Kavannah in Davening #8
Kavannah in Davening #9
Kavannah in Davening #10
Kavannah in Davening #11
Saying Pesukim by Heart #1
Saying Pesukim by Heart #2
Relating Hashem´s Kindness - joyful prayer; "Rina " #1
Relating Hashem´s Kindness - joyful prayer; "Rina " #2
Relating Hashem´s Kindness - joyful prayer; "Rina " #3
Relating Hashem´s Kindness - joyful prayer; "Rina " #4