The One Hour Purim Primer
Everything a family needs to understand,
celebrate and enjoy Purim.

Purim, my favorite festival, is little more than a week away. To make your Purim more meaningful and enjoyable, we are excited to offer you “The One Hour Purim Primer ­ Everything a family needs to understand, celebrate and enjoy Purim.” This book, written by the author of ‘The Rosh Hashanah Survival Kit’ also includes a complete Hebrew/ English Megillah with commentary.

Thanks to a generous sponsorship it’s yours for the special price of only $8, including packaging and postage!

(If you’d like to make an added donation, we certainly would appreciate it.)

You can order your copy by emailing me your name and mailing address so you can receive it before Purim and then you can mail a check to: The Chicago Community Kollel Purim Offer, 6506 N. California Avenue, Chicago, IL 60645.

You can also order it online here!
If you would like to add a donation along with your order it would be most appreciated! (note: just enter how many dollars you would like to give into the "quantity" field. And THANK YOU!)


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